Project Name:
İstoç Navigation iOS and Android Mobile Application Development
Project Description:
Development of İstoç Navigation Application
Integration of Advanced Software Technologies
User-Oriented Project Development
Contribution to İSTOÇ’s Digital Transformation
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The İstoç Navigation application was developed with a minimalist design approach, with a simple and user-friendly interface. The extensive search system allows users to quickly access companies, sectors and directions, while it is supported by a Google-style search bar. A modern color palette in blue and gray tones and readable typography are preferred, aiming for users to easily access information. With its responsive design optimized for IOS and Android devices, the application offers a seamless experience on every screen size, and stands out in terms of both aesthetics and functionality.
Özellikle geceleri sık sık bilgisayar veya telefon kullanıyorsanız, gece ışığını (Night Light) açmanız gözlerinize fayda sağlayacak ve yorulmanızı önleyecektir.